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The encounter between man and the earth: an intimate pact that gives life to the products of our history.

La Dragona is a small company of about 6 hectares, all cultivated: 1.5 hectares of vineyards and the rest of olive groves (about 300 trees).

The extra virgin olive oil comes 90% from Olivastra Seggianese plants, recognized as IGP. This type of olive tree is a native cultivar of the slopes of Monte Amiata, present exclusively in the municipalities of Arcidosso, Castel del Piano, Seggiano, Cinigiano, Santa Fiora, Roccalbegna, Semproniano and part of the municipality of Castell'Azzara.

Particularly resistant and wild, this variety of olives covers the area with centuries-old olive groves that extend up to 600 meters above sea level and which give life to an oil with  aromatic shades and a singular taste, that of the "mountain olive tree", enriched by the typical notes of its particular terroir.

Mount Amiata is in fact an ancient volcano now extinct and represents one of the most significant massifs from a geological and naturalistic point of view of the whole Italian territory (its slopes are covered by beech, chestnut and fir forests), as well as a real green lung for southern Tuscany.

This results in unique nutritional and curative properties for the oil produced in this land, characterized by a high percentage of antioxidant substances and vitamin E. The oil of Terra Dragona is currently intended mainly for internal consumption and for tastings in agritourisms.


La Dragona snc - Località Montegiovi 58033 Castel del Piano (GR)

Phone +39 0564 96 77 65

Mobile +39 349 53 17 298

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Se arrivi da Grosseto o da Siena:

  • Esci a Paganico Nord e prendi la strada provinciale per Castel del Piano;

  • Dopo circa 25 km arrivi all’ingresso della Dragona…

  • Non potendo svoltare a sinistra, a causa della doppia striscia continua, devi proseguire per 300 metri fino al bivio per Montegiovi;

  • Approfitta del bivio per fare inversione di marcia e riscendi verso Grosseto per 300 metri: troverai l’ingresso della Dragona sulla destra.


Si vous venez de Grosseto ou de Sienne:

  • Sortir à Paganico Nord et prendre la route provinciale en direction de Castel del Piano;

  • Après environ 25 km, vous arriverez à l'entrée de La Dragona...

  • Ne pouvant pas tourner à gauche, en raison de la double bande continue, il faut continuer sur 300 mètres jusqu'à l'embranchement pour Montegiovi;

  • Profiter du carrefour pour faire demi-tour et descendre vers Grosseto sur 300 mètres: vous trouverez l'entrée de la Dragona sur la droite.


If you come from Grosseto or Siena:

  • Exit at Paganico Nord and take the provincial road towards Castel del Piano;

  • After about 25 km you will arrive at the entrance to La Dragona ...

  • Not being able to turn left, due to the double continuous strip, you have to continue for 300 meters to the junction for Montegiovi;

  • - Take advantage of the crossroads to make a U-turn and go down towards Grosseto for 300 meters: you will find the entrance to the Dragona on the right.


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